As you reflect on the class’s trajectory of readings in the context of this podcast, what role do you see language playing in your life? Work hard to articulate your relationship with language–the good, the bad, and the ugly. How important has language been to you in the past? How important is it now? What role do you see language playing in your future?
Language plays a huge role in everyones life. For me, it helps me understand people and the world around me. Language gives me the opportunity to experience the world through sounds and understanding the people around me. My relationship with language is interesting. I know how to get my points across, but when it comes to making it clear, it gets foggy. I talk quite fast sometimes, and because I do that, I miss some points that make the story or information clear. Language can get confusing for some, especially if they know many languages. communicating is important for everyday life. We communicate so many things throughout the day that it is essential for life to be able to communicate, whether through ASL, talking, or even writing. Language was and still is important to my life, without communication I wouldn’t be where I am today. I wouldn’t be able to go to college, write papers, listen and understand lectures. It is essential to my future to be able to further my career in life, and even further my social life.
I appreciate that you note the variety of areas in life where language plays a leading role. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.