Life gets harder, so live while you're younger.

Blog 11

The idea that stories shape who you are really resonates with me. I think that they are used to teach meaningful lessons, as well as harsh realities, like in Drew and Ali’s interview with Ali’s father. His father talked about a story that he had heard from his father, and that he told his kids when they were growing up. The story is about a king and his son, and how his sons friends weren’t good friends. They did an experiment where they told everyone that they were going to put the son to death. When the friends came to the king, they said that he shouldn’t put the son to death, but didn’t offer anything they owned to save him. When the king then tested his friends, and they found that they would give their first born sons and one would give his life for him. This story shows the true importance in friendship and stories in helping understand life. The idea that narratives can clarify life for us is huge in Julia Becks piece “Life’s Stories”, “ultimately, the only material we’ve ever had to make stories out of is our own imagination, and life itself. Storytelling, then—fictional or nonfictional, realistic or embellished with dragons—is a way of making sense of the world around us.” This idea that there is life and a sort of truth behind fictional stories, even fairy tales, is giving a whole new perspective to the idea that our lives, in one way or another, are stories.

1 Comment

  1. elishaemerson

    This is an amazing start! If you choose to revise, continue to work on clearly articulating the relationships between stories and life lessons. For example, what if you replaced your current topic sentence with something like this, “People can use stories to teach meaningful lessons that help the listener make sense of the world.” This sentence states a cause and effect relationship that will help prepare the reader for your choice examples. I also encourage you to expand the bottom part of the essay. Go deeper. How does Ali’s father’s story make sense of the world?

    You also want to make sure that you formally introduce the podcast. Use full names, etc.

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