Life gets harder, so live while you're younger.

Blog 6

I do think that my draft was more about getting everything out of my head than trying to get the message across. When Lamott wrote about the awful descriptions, I related it to my piece. I had sentences that made no sense, descriptions that needed editing, and an idea that need more focus. When she talked about how writers don’t just sit down and fly through their writing, didn’t really surprise me. I remember in middle school when they had writers come to the school to talk about the writing process. They always told us that they procrastinated and couldn’t write the way they wanted to in the beginning. The writing process is the same for everyone, just how you get through it is up to you.

Revision Plan:

My goal for this piece is that my opinion on metaphors in mental and physical health are articulated clearly. 

My steps to complete this goal are to:

  1. Rework my thesis (using more of me, my, I) to sound more opinion based and to articulate my stance on the prompt better. 
  2. Make sure my thesis is clearly related back to in each paragraph.
  3. Try different wording for a stronger impact and a formal essay. 
  4. Elaborate on sentences that sound incomplete or choppy. 
  5. Add a title. 

My biggest challenge would be to make sure my opinion is clear when it comes to my thesis and the content of the paragraphs. Writing my thesis in the beginning of this process was difficult, and when one of my peers said that it didn’t really show my opinion, it hit hard because I know I’m going to have a difficult time rewriting it. 

I know that when I run into difficulties with any of my steps I can ask my roommates and my peers to help me find a solution or a better route to take. 

1 Comment

  1. elishaemerson

    I think that’s so cool that your school did that! Thanks for sharing, and keep up the self-reflection.

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